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When choosing a web hosting provider, it is crucial to be aware of the various hosting options available to you. Every website has its unique needs, so it is crucial to comprehend the various options for hosting. This will ensure you get a satisfied end result. These categories will likely be ideal for hosting services:

Web Hosting at No Cost

Free web hosting is the most affordable option but as we all know there's no any free meal and this is even for “free” hosting as well. Free web hosts will often be advertisement supported and have very limited features, storage space, and bandwidth. This isn't the best option for websites that work with businesses or need to provide users with a secure and reliable environment. Free hosting services are best for websites that don't intend to do other than sharing a little bit of info with a small group of people.

Shared Web Hosting

A shared web hosting single computer, also known as a box, or a server will generally hold numerous websites. The amount will vary based on the business, the cost, and the hardware which makes up the computer. Shared hosting is often an option for reliable hosting for most websites including both small business and personal use. Do your research prior to selecting a shared hosting service. The speed, quality as well as the cost of shared hosting will vary dramatically from one provider to another. Websites that require excessive resources, like CPU time or bandwidth, will often be closed. You will need another option for your website if it has a high resource requirement.

Reseller web hosting

This is a less common kind of hosting that lets clients become web hosts for themselves. This is an instance of web design firms hosting websites of clients. The main difference between reseller web hosting and shared hosting is the size of the hosting company. Reseller web hosting is available through larger hosting companies such as Bluehost or HostMonster.

Virtual Dedicated Server

Virtual dedicated servers are like shared hosting but in how the allocation of resources is managed. In contrast to shared hosting, where each client shares the same CPU and bandwidth resources with virtual dedicated servers every client gets an exact quantity of CPU power and bandwidth. Virtual dedicated servers also provide their customers what is commonly called “root” access to their virtual machine. It gives clients more direct control with the way that the machine functions, including the capability to alter the operating system.

Dedicated Hosting Services

When using dedicated hosting, the user has complete control over the server, and is the sole client that uses the server. There are generally two kinds of dedicated hosting that are managed and non-managed. When using managed hosting, the user will have various support-personal or plans in place to help manage the server, and to ensure that the security policy are current. The client is the sole responsibility for the server, which can be cheaper in some cases. A dedicated server gives you greater control over the choices that are available to your server, from email software to FTP service, and on and on. Naturally dedicated servers are much more expensive and therefore many webmasters opt for the cheaper virtual or shared private server alternatives. For both kinds of dedicated hosting, the servers are controlled by hosting companies.

Colocation Web Hosting Service

Colocation is similar to hosting dedicated services, however in this instance, the user is fully responsible for the server, and the hosting center simply offers a physical location, power and a connection to the internet for the user. Often, the user isn't provided with any additional assistance other than making sure the server is running and is available with the bandwidth they've negotiated. With this option in most instances the server's owner will be able to have an administrator visit to the facility or gain remote access to the machine.

Clustered Hosting

Sometimes it's not enough to be hosting just one server for websites. In these situations, clustered hosting can be a viable option. Clustered hosting allows multiple servers to host the same content and allows for a wider number of users to have access to the same information at the same time.

Grid Hosting

Grid hosting is a type of distributed hosting in which servers act as a grid. It is composed of many nodes.

Home Server

Webmasters could decide to control their websites from home or at work. It is possible to do this using either a broadband connection available to consumers or a more powerful one. Home servers function similarly to colocation except for the loss of expensive facilities that generally have backup power sources, industrial cooling systems, as well as other advantages. It is recommended to check with your internet service provider prior to making an attempt to set up your own website.

Which hosting option should I Select?

If you're reading this article it is likely that you are choosing shared hosting, or virtual or fully dedicated hosting. For most small and medium-sized websites, these are perfectly suitable and viable choices. It is likely that you have an IT specialist in your team who can better evaluate your hosting needs if they are greater than the requirements listed above.

Hopefully by now you have an idea of what type of hosting you need. Now is the time to have some fun picking the most suitable webhosting.